لقد قمت برسم شبكة الطرقات لكن بعد انشاء ملف geometric network تبين وجود error type 11 : لعدة طرق وقد قمت بالبحث عن معنى الerror فتبين التالي :
Error Code Error description
10 The feature has an empty geometry.
11 The feature's geometry has multiple parts.
12 The feature's begin and end vertex are the same.
13 The feature has a geometry with zero length.
14 The edge feature is associated with the same from–to junction feature.
15 The junction is coincident with an edge–feature vertex having a different z-value.
16 The junction is not connected to any other edge feature.
17 Edge features prevented from collapsing on themselves because their length is near the snapping tolerance.
وعند حاولت استخدام : شريط utility network analyst واستعمال فرضية المرور edge flag tool لم تكن مرجوة ودقيقة فما الحل؟؟؟